HAT 5.7.1b1 . 2016-xx-xx
- SIE export: removed wrong byte-order-marker from the file beginning.
HAT 5.7 . 2015-11-20
- Added XR, XE, XA and XN options in
macro command
- Added new value formats in all analyses:
-right aligned sign x±
-negatives in parenthesis (x)
- Added Repeat button in card editor when closing a changed card.
- Windows: Fixed a problem in printing with custom page setup (devmode).
- Changed calculation of Turnover Rate and Time.
- Added "Copy line" context menu command in card editor.
- Added "-skipEmpty" option on
export macro command.
- Added write macro command.
- Fixed a bug with modify macro command
Earlier release notes for HAT 5.6.